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Old 02-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Plzr Plzr is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 14
Default LL is a hard row to hoe!

yeah , well I would not be in a position to know what amount of experience you are basing your opinion on but my suspicion is that you haven't spent alot of time at it.Could be you were thinking that I said that no one could be winners for any particular day.That's not what I meant to imply,I was referring to the long run.
Perhaps you have only played sporadically,or played on weekend trips to somewhere and managed to tame the Fri-sat night games!My sense of it is that you may just be passing along your impression of how you think you do.
To be honest, I have known a FEW individuals who were steady winners at LL HE. They had LOTS of experience and LOTS of discipline.These qualities gave them EV's of about 2-3 BB's/hr of which the rake consumed more than half!! They would have made LOTS more $$ if they moved up a notch or two but they had their reasons for not.
So I suppose I should be more specific when I allow that Casino LL HE is unbeatable.Here it is.... "Unless you have a serious TALENT and EXPERIENCE advantage over the table you will do no better than break even in the long run!!! Even at that you would still need to be able to apply those advantages over the long run.
Some places have spread exceptional 3/6 or 4/8 games over the years. In the late 90's, The High Desert Casino near Victorville,Ca comes to mind. Someone could beat that game easy enough because the action was mindless. Find a place like that and disregard anything I,ve said here. lol
It's not like I am just making this stuff up either, I have logged over 35,000 hours(+$550,000+) over a span of 27 years and I worked full time for ten of those.
It's probably just easier to say that if you are good enough to beat a 3/6,4/8 casino game day in and day out, then you are clearly playing too low! So anyone who claims to do so is kind of suspect to me.
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