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Old 04-05-2005, 11:07 PM
kspade kspade is offline
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Posts: 50
Default Re: Big blind special with a scary board

I think I played it the worse way possible. I checked, he bet 500. I went all in for the extra 5. He had 6s7d for a higher two pair.

After he called the overbet on the flop, I just thought I would check/fold unless I improved. But at the end I thought he was just buying the pot and decided to stand up to him.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would say that YOU looked like you were trying to buy the pot on the flop and then checked it down when that didn't work. He fell into two pair and decided to try to make it look like a bluff.

Oh, and minor thing, why go to the effort of going all in for the extra 5? Chip and chair and all.... Not sure I've come back from 5 but I have from about 20 or so.
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