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Old 04-05-2005, 10:49 PM
deacsoft deacsoft is offline
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Default Re: reckless, ridiculous, or good application

Of course, I figured that would be your response. I was only trying to make the point that it is an extremely predictable play.

Point 1) When a limp-raise occurs you can count on the player having one of the two hands and simply fold losing much less that what you would have if you called a raise and hit the flop. Thus, because it is so obvious it makes it that much easier for opponents to fold and possibly costs the limp-raiser chips.

Point 2) There is no way of telling, at all, while playing on-line poker wether on not someone is going to raise the pot behind you when you limp-raise. Sure players left to act may have tendencies of raising often and there may be 3,4,5,6 aggressive players yet to act. This would increase the possibility of a raise but in no way insures one. Thus, there is a chance (even if sometimes a small one) that you may let inferior hands enter the pot cheaply and out flop/draw you.

Point 3) A-A does not play well in multi-way pots. Every day and countless times I see players limp and call raises and even re-raises. Once players put some chips in the pot they're less likely to fold their hands (at least at the levels we're talking about here). Allowing a few players to limp and call (even a horrible call) is terrible for A-A.
A-A vs 8-8: A-A is about 80%
A-A vs 8-8 vs 9-6: A-A is about 70%
A-A vs 8-8 vs 9-6 vs J-T: A-A is about 60%
A-A vs 8-8 vs 9-6 vs J-T vs Q-Q: A-A is about 50%
(I'm sure you can see the patern here, and if that J-T or 9-6 is suited it A-A decreases about another 3% per suited hand) Even while crushing all of these hands independently A-A decreases in value with every player in the pot.

Point 4) If a player does raise from EP it does not mean that the player has A-A or K-K. Sure, it narrows the range of hands that player is likely to have but does not mean that an aggressive player will not call a raise with A-8, K-Q, or any other number of hands. Nor, does it eliminate the chance of a player re-raising with T-T, A-K, A-Q, or other hands. The point being that just because you raise in EP with A-A doesn't mean you won't get action from the other end of the table. They don't know you have A-A.

Point 5) We're talking about SNGs here. Proper SnG play suggests tight play early and aggressive play later. These tourneys can go pretty quick and valuable hands can be few. It probably wouldn't be too far off to estimate that a player will recieve A-A well less than once per SnG on average. Why risk not being able to get your chips in the pot with the best starting hand there is?

I could go on but I think anyone who reads this this will get where I'm coming from. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and I'm by no means the greatest player in the world. This is simply the way I see it. And if anyone could site a book and chapter/page that advocates limp-raising I'd like to have it. Maybe I'm missing something.
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