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Old 04-05-2005, 01:05 PM
Master5hake Master5hake is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Arlington VA
Posts: 28
Default Re: What is the magic number for JohnnyHumongous?

i think the attitude that this 22 year old needs to 'quick get his foot in the door' in the bunsiness world is not valid. Too many people get wrapped up in quickly finishing the journey to success, but success is a journey, not a destination, so... quit running -

the fact is, this guy obviously has the goods, Ivy League degree, out of school job offer that is basically non-existent anymore in terms of dollars, does anyone really think he's blowing his chance in life if he decides to move to some tropical island and do something he loves to do, play poker... I think someone with his obvious merit shouldn't have too much trouble doing what they want, when they are ready to do it -

there shouldn't be a 'magic' number for him, his 'numbers' will come, if he decides that 'numbers'(cash) is what he's most interested in -

another thing I'd like to mention is the notion of 'golden handcuffs'. Now this will probably come of as whiny to anyone who has ever struggled to make ends meet... but... for someone like the original poster, with his credentials, this is a real issue - take a job with a huge salary... one only available in a particular industry.. and your lifestyle will grow to meet the salary you are making...

then if you decide that you hate the industry, and want to get out, you'll find youself a prisoner of your own lifestyle, locked in 'golden handcuffs'... god forbid you have a family... cause they will surely be locked in your golden handcuffs along with you... and won't be all to understanding if you want to break free -

all in all - hes 22, a long life ahead of him, why start the 'race' right now, hes got the legs to catch up should he decide to join late
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