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Old 04-04-2005, 10:16 PM
turnipmonster turnipmonster is offline
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Default what should I do?

I am considering switching careers entirely. since people on here do all sorts of things, I figured I'd get some input. I currently work as a software engineer doing java stuff.

my background: I have a CS degree and have a lot of years of experience working as a programmer doing a reasonably wide variety of stuff. I always enjoyed AI/game theory type stuff the most, and my favorite language is lisp. also I'm a jazz musician/composer and have done that professionally for a very long time.

my reasons for switching careers: I feel that what I do isn't all that important. not in a saving starving children kind of way, but in an innovation kind of way. I'd like to do something that is more intellectually fulfilling I guess. I enjoy being creative and inventing things, I have a cool patent for this thing I invented for an old company I worked for so I enjoy doing stuff like that.

enviroment: I am not really big on working a lot (i.e. > 40) hours a week, it would have to be a really special job for me to consider something like that as I have a lot of stuff going on and don't really have enough hours in the day as it is.

so, suggestions as to what fields I should look at? even if you don't know what I should do, just expound a little about what you do and what you like/dislike about it, as it will be helpful to me to get an idea of what different fields are like.
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