Thread: Under Dogs
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Old 02-12-2003, 02:45 PM
HDPM HDPM is offline
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Default Re: Dogloving

Well, I don't like dogs except for mine. You need to form an attachment to them. I was a total idiot for getting a dog, but once I had him, I was totally attached to him and putting him down recently was horrible. Now that the neighbor's dog is taking dumps on our yard because the fence isn't in yet, and a contractor building the house next door lets his dog use our house for a fire hydrant, I hate dogs again. But man I miss my dog. Even though I never lauded him for taking dumps. He had that activity down pat.

P.S. Before getting my dog I had the "Nothing Alive" rule for what came in the house. No pets, live plants, or restaurant leftovers made it in. Fake plants only. I stupidly broke the rule by getting a dog, but might go back to the rule.

P.P.S. I caught HDPW looking at puppies on the internet.
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