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Old 04-04-2005, 07:44 PM
Shaman Shaman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: Hit and Run vs. Taking Command vs. Trapping

I'm transfering cero_z's post into my private blog so that I can easily access it over the next few weeks until I've solved my leak.

As to your advice, can I still continue to make 2 to 6 dollar raises almost every other hand pre-flop BUT be more vigilant in completely shutting down once I've seen the flop? In other words, would playing tight-aggressive flop and beyond while continuing to play loose-aggressive preflop be profitable once I've got a bigger stack than most? I'm really happy about how I'm able to control the table preflop with my tiny raises. Now I just need to know how I should proceed from the flop onwards if I hit the nuts, flop nothing, or flop a draw.
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