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Old 04-04-2005, 02:02 PM
betgo betgo is offline
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Default Passing out at the table

Twice when I was playing at the Taj I got to chatting with guys who were playing like 24 hours straight.

At 5/10 holdem, I ran into a programmer from NYC suburbs who wanted me to wake him up when it was his turn to act, because he would get a little sleep in hands he was not involved in. He had been playing for like 30 hours straight both times I ran into him.

I asked how his wife felt about this. He he said she didn't mind, since last time he made money. Later in the conversation, he mentioned that she was a foreigner and had been out of the country for a few weeks.

Another time I ran into a retired businessman from NC who had been playing for like 20 hours straight. He said he was going to quit and drive back to NC, apparently without staying in a hotel. He said that another time he had been playing for many hours and he passed out at the table. He didn't fall asleep; he passed out. They took him to the emergency room and gave him something to revive him and replentish his electrolites or something. Of course they ran up a huge bill charged to medicare.

Both of these guys were good players, but not big money winners. I suppose that someone who was losing would have to quit sooner and a semipro would take a more business like approach to planning things.
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