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Old 04-04-2005, 09:52 AM
DrDoug DrDoug is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 7
Default My poker chips came today!

Here are my poker chips: sent from 12 - 13 extra chips in every color I ordered!

With my wife's blessing, I ordered these shortly after finding out that she was bepregnanted. I figured that soon we would be having money issues, and I would not be able to waste money on a complete vanity luxury item for two more decades.

I was wise. If I had it to do again, I would not have spent the money. We can't afford complete vanity luxury items. I'm glad I did it. With any luck, my daughter will be an amazing card player and she will know that the day she can beat me two out of three sessions the chips will be hers. Then, after she has done so, we will change it to "four out of seven" then "her fourteenth birthday" then "her twenty-first birthday." Finally, when she is about to get on the plane to Monte Carlo to hustle some evil card-playing Count, in order to bankrupt him and free a tiny village of enslaved peasants, I will hand her the case of chips and say, "Do us proud, honey, do us proud."
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