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Old 02-11-2003, 11:00 AM
HDPM HDPM is offline
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Default Re: Trying to clear the air.

Some of your posts invite the psychoanalysis you are asking us to refrain from doing. I say this not as criticism, but from my reading of them. I understand why you want to avoid the psychological stuff. In fact, back in the Gummyworm day I had a long, careful response to one of your posts, reviewed it, though about it, and didn't send it. I guess I thought it might be too personal or something. Maybe I thought it wouldn't be well-received. Maybe I thought it wouldn't accomplish what I intended. I don't remember exactly. (I am not saying that Clark should have refrained from posting how he did at all. In fact, I basically think what he did was fair game and not intended maliciously but don't want to go into a full discussion of that etc...) What I am saying is that your posts invite a look at what is going on in your head because of the way they are written. I have thought about what was going on in your head more than once after reading them. You have some very good posts and I don't think it would be good to lose them, but if you continue to write about things the way you do, expect people to psychoanalyze. Change what you write and the thrust of people's responses will change.

Also re-read Mr. Angelo's post above.
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