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Old 04-01-2005, 05:47 PM
Richard Tanner Richard Tanner is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 202
Default Re: Do Republicans Really Believe These Things

Ok I'll just go down the list:
Do you actually believe this is wise to select who do vote for based on their ability to spin and their ability to discredit the other side? If you truly believe this, you have a peculiar criteria of deciding who to vote for.....

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Short answer, Yes. Long answer is that we pay our government to do all the unpleasent things (lie, cheat, and steal) that we don't want to do. Of course, they do the nice things too, but we really have them aroudn to do what must be done. As such, I will vote for the people I think best capable of occasionally bending the rules to outsmart our (America's) enemies. Plus their actions lead me to believe that on the whole, they are smarter people in terms of knowledge of psychology.

As for the Bush military thing, you need to start making the distinction. Yes we all agree, at least I hope everyone does, that Bush technically fulfilled his duty, but helping someone in Mississippi with their campaign (or whatever the exact details were) isn't in the spirit of what others were doing. Leighguy makes the point very well below in this thread.

I wonder if you did actually vote Republican.... To vote Republican, you do so for one of two basic reasons:
1. You generally agree with the Republican agenda.
2. You despise the opposing party's agenda so much that voting Republican is the lesser of two evils...

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This was my favorite part. I've read your posts and you seem to be very intellegent, so I'll treat this as a lapse (or did you really mean for it to sound like that). I voted Republican because, being a libertarian, I agree with them economically (mostly) but not socially. Hince my question about the social aspects of the party's members' beliefs. Social issues, I believe, will be worked out by time. Gays will eventually be allowed to marry, just as civil rights worked itself out (for the most part).
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