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Old 02-08-2003, 02:19 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: More about the bogus British report Powell Quoted at UN

Even if sections wrere plagiarized, does that mean that the US has no significant evidence on Iraq now? Does it mean that Powell presented nothing new in terms of circumstantial evidence? I don't think so, although I haven't yet analyzed the report (and the reports on the report) in sufficient depth to say for sure.

Recently the Australian Prime Minister came out and said his country had clear intelligence information absolutely linking Iraq to al Qaeda. The intelligence services of other countries have provided knowledge of Iraqi violations of the resolutions prohibiting WMD.

If sections of Powell's report were plagiarized, that may indicate bad judgment, or overhaste in preparing a presentable overview--or even, more disturbingly, perhaps deliberate deception to some degree. But it doesn't necessarily mean that Powell's entire presentation was a farce or contained nothing new or important.

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