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Old 03-31-2005, 10:29 PM
Andy B Andy B is offline
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Default Re: Question on heads-up Stud, Stud/8, and Razz

I don't think that playing any two from the button is correct in heads-up hold'em. By limping, you're telling the other guy that you're weak, which opens you up to a raise. So much for your 3:1 odds. Also, there are plenty of scenarios where one hand is more than a 3:1 favorite. Any pair is about a 4.5:1 favorite favorite over a smaller pair. Any pair is a prohibitive favorite against two under-cards.

In stud variations, there can be much bigger differences in hand values than in hold'em because, well, you start with three cards rather than two. Taking high-only stud first, 222 is a huge favorite against AAK. Rolled-up trips against something like 973 is a ridiculous favorite. A decent pair against three random cards is a pretty big favorite. And so on. In razz, if you take a three-card Six against KKK, you can hardly lose. You can find similar scenarios in stud/8. Go to and play around with different scenarios.
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