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Old 03-31-2005, 05:34 PM
TomBrooks TomBrooks is offline
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Default Re: n00b question regarding downswings

I was running along around 3-4BB/100 for 18k hands and went through a 235 BB downswing over the course of 3 nights. It had a lot to do with suckouts - losing four or five nice pots can account for 100BB right there. But I was also playing for long hours late at night while I was very tired. I also had some other stuff I was worried about in the back of my mind. I thought I could handle it. I could not. I learned not to do that. I took a week off, I reviewed some hands, came back and I'm doing my 3-4BB/100 again. When I reveiwed my hands, I was surprised at some of the crappy plays I was making.

No way can you get lucky and run good to the tune of 7BB/100 over 30k hands. 2 or 3 BB maybe, but not 7. Take a break, review your hands, clear your mind, then try again.
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