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Old 03-31-2005, 12:40 PM
einbert einbert is offline
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Default Re: Using Math to Beat Poker

What you are talking about is assigning your opponents a range of hands and then acting according to your estimated pot equity based on that range.

Example, someone with VPIP of 50 from BTN-3 limps from BTN-3 and it's folded to you on the button. You have J9s which has 55% equity against the range that includes the top 50% of hands, so you raise.

While this strategy is relatively simple to program for most preflop situations, estimating hand ranges for your opponents after the flop and acting correctly based on those ranges is far, far more difficult after the flop. Too much information to interpret and consider and the situations are just too dynamic.

You could make a nice little preflop bot though, that could do some of your work for you ^_^.
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