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Old 02-06-2003, 05:07 PM
Warren Whitmore Warren Whitmore is offline
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Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 224
Default Re: Its all in the luck

Hi Jim,
When players said to me in the past its all luck I never knew how to reply so I just said nothing. Then I read wall street wizzards. Many of the people interviewed in the book turned hundreds of dollars into millions. One of the questions asked was "How much of your success was due to chance or luck?" the respondants would become adgitated and insist that in the long run zero % was luck or random chance all of thier fortune was gathered through the combination of hard work and skill. Except one:
He answered 100% of my fortune was built through luck. When pressed to clarify his response he explained that some people were lucky enough to be born smart and that others were not.
He is of course the only respondant who answered the question correctly. Win rate is in that sense 100% luck. The next time someone says to you its all luck smile at them and say yes in is and know that you are correct and honest.
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