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Old 03-30-2005, 05:45 PM
theblitz theblitz is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 51
Default Re: Whould you have done anything different here??

I would have pushed on the flop after the raise by SB.
You are going all the way with this hand whatever happens so why not get it all in now when you are definitely ahead.
Remember, there are lots of draws out there so you want to make him pay big in order to draw them.

Whenever I hit a flop like that with a big PP I just PRAY that my opponent will raise my bet giving me the chance to push.

Would the result have been differant? Can't say but in the long run think it pays off.

Note that by raising him as you did you were asking him to add $7 to a pot of $27 - not bad odds for drawing to the flush. If you push then you are asking him to put $15 into a pot of $35 - not so attractive anymore.
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