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Old 03-29-2005, 04:20 AM
dink dink is offline
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Default Re: Beating Blackjack

What you are referring to is called the martingale progression, it is very old and useless unless you have an unlimited bankroll and there is no maximum limit to the amount you can bet.

This is taken from the BJ21 website

Martingale: This is the most infamous of these types of systems and they all bear some relationship to it. The premise is simple: you double your bet after each loss until you win, then you start over. A common series would look like this: 1 unit, lose, bet two units, lose, bet four units, lose, bet eight units and so on. If you win, you are one unit ahead for your series and you begin again. The problems with this system should be obvious to anyone. Long losing streaks are not uncommon in blackjack, and when you encounter one (and you will, and it will be just long enough to break you), you will lose everything you have gained. A ten-hand losing streak would have your final bet at $2560 if you started with a $5 bet. If you lost it, you would have lost a total of $5115. If you won it, you would have gained $5. You can expect to see about 3 of those losing streaks in every ten hours of play (figuring in pushes, and assuming 100 hands per hour).

Martingale comes in other guises. One of them, some call a "Super Martingale," where you add one unit to your next bet after doubling it. It looks like this: 1-3-7-15-31 and so on. Some hucksters have marketed it as a roulette system and sold it for $40 in a very popular gambling magazine. It is touted as a "power" system. Selling such a system is a scam, pure and simple.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember discovering this system when in high school (many years ago) myself and some friends tried it for hours and hours during lunchtimes and we still came up with the expected result we lost.

don't even think about going there. I have experienced runs of losses in BJ of at least 16 hands in a row and eventually you will get crushed.

just learn basic strategy and bonus whore the online casinos.

for bonus whoring see the FAQ

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