Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 03-28-2005, 03:46 PM
dr_venkman dr_venkman is offline
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Default Re: Wisdom Teeth

I had all four out on the same day, under heavy anesthesia. Aside from the strange paranoia that the nurses were joking about me when I was asleep the procedure itself was unremarkable.

And then the anesthesia wears off. You should begin taking your pain killers before this happens. I imagine they'll tell you this too.

The hardest part was the 10 days afterwards keeping a wadded up ball of gauze in the back of my mouth. The sockets bled for 7 days straight. This was more than a year ago, and whenever the weather gets cold the scar tissue in my jaw aches.

Fun huh? You should get a second opinion. They make it out like this is a necessary procedure -- you know, to save you the trouble that "you will have" later on. I kind of have my doubts now. I think I'd be just as well off with my teeth, thank you.

If nothing else I can say this with conviction; "never again".

Darvocet is nice, but it gives me strange dreams.
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