Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 03-28-2005, 03:41 PM
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Default Re: Wisdom Teeth

I am having 3 of my wisdom teeth cut out tomorrow. Anyone had this done? How long were you out of commission afterwards? I'm looking forward to taking a couple of days off of work, basking in the glow of painkillers.

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I had all four out in 1998, under general anesthesia, so I have no recollection of the procedure itself. The two lowers were impacted, and the surgeon had to make incisions in my gums to extract them.

After getting home, I realized I have no future as a pill-popping druggie, because the 0.5 Vicodin I took made me nauseous, so I spent the rest of the recuperation time taking simple Advil. Because of this, repacking the gauze is the most excruciating pain I've felt to date (I realize I have been lucky in this respect).

They're going to tell you to rinse with warm saltwater. It hurts a little, but do it - you don't want to get an infection. The pain should subside in a couple of days, and the "holes" in you jaw should completely fill in in a few months. I had mine done on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday.
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