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Old 03-28-2005, 02:08 AM
FoxwoodsFiend FoxwoodsFiend is offline
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Default Re: Thinking at the Highest Level

Honestly, if this was you that raised preflop, I wouldn't consider this "poker at the highest level" at all-many times I have hugely overraised with AA just to see if I could get anybody to bite figuring the chances of somebody thinking I'm getting cute might be small but at least there's a chance I'll play a huge you consider it special that you considered this move, because I find it to be far from unheard of (though common is stretching it). And if you're talking about the guy with 57 as the one thinking at the highest level, clearly that's wrong because he ran into KK. Just because there was some "I think he's bluffing" and "I think I can get him to think I'm bluffing" doesn't mean that there's some sort of brilliance at play.
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