Thread: Hybrid Cars
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Old 03-26-2005, 08:55 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Location: Bloomington, Indiana
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Default Re: Hybrid Cars

Hydrogen cars are safe, don't worry. Their biggest problem is performance.

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but i thought most of the hydrogen gathered for hydrogen cars was from natural gas, which doesn't exactly make it a problem-solver. ideally we would want it from a ton of nuclear power plants (which don't exist) shooting at water right? but then that's using up uranium.

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Which is also why we are so screwed. ITER is in political gridlock. There isn't that much fissionable material around. We will have to mine the moon if we want to ramp up fission. If we create hydrogen from coal power plants we are going to destroy the environment and tar sands are notoriously bad for the atmosphere. If you watch the smalley video, he comments about how hydrogen cars aren't that great because hydrogen simply doesn't store that much energy. If we develop fusion we are good, but like I said it's been in gridlock for over 3 years.

There is a thread in the politics section here:


In which Nicky G, Zeno, John Feeney, and I take on all of the doubters. You will see that the people argueing with us consistently get every single one of their arguements decimated. It takes a bit for the thread to get started, but once it gets going, it really got going. The skeptic arguements are not only very flimsy, but very repetitive to the point that they are probably just being trolls. They simply don't have much of an arguement.
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