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Old 03-25-2005, 12:49 PM
kurto kurto is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Connecticutt
Posts: 41
Default Re: Does everyone hate this flop CALL?

Thanks for you comments. I'm always certain when I have the obvious monster draws...oesd, flush draw... its the longer shots that I'm never certain whether to play or not... backdoor straight or flush, inside straight draws...

"I dunno I don't really consider the CO "early position" so I would raise it," Yeah... I realized after I typed it that I confused that. I know its short term variance... but I've been missing constantly with AQ and have been playing it more passively. When you raise 5xbb 10 times and miss 8 out of 10 times... it starts to add up. And I can't get rid of the limpers unless I raise it much more... in which case I've built a big pot with a hand that's gotta hit. So I've been playing them passively.

**"I think you can get more in there than just 5 dollars. I would be doing at lest a pot or try to make it look like an overbet steal..." This is where I often get lost... I was 95% certain I had the best hand. My biggest fear was betting too much and having him fold. (I used to play on Pokerstars where people were less likely to call large bets with weak hands. I'm not used to Party players who will call their stack with junk. I'm adjusting.)
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