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Old 03-24-2005, 04:38 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Quick Note

I'd say in most cases--whether criminal, or something like this--the standard of proof should be higher. Instead of "beyond a reasonable doubt" how about "beyond any reasonable doubt". And in cases where someone's life hangs in the balance--whether capital cases or Terri Schiavo's case--the standard should be higher yet still.

In this case her guardian has conflicts of interest and has used the system in such a way as to try to get Terri killed. Not to mention that he has been accused by a former nurse of Terri, of surreptitiously giving Terri insulin injections to tremendously lower her blood sugar way below normal. He may also have been an abusive husband.

Hey, maybe he didn't do any of those things. But before placing her life in his hands the court should be sure he didn't. And his conflict of interest scenario doesn't engender confidence that he will necessarily be looking out for Terri's best interests.
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