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Old 03-24-2005, 11:25 AM
tanda tanda is offline
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Default Re: Neurologist, Mayo Clinic Lab Director: Terri Is No Vegetable

This doctor has NOT evaluated Mrs. Schiavo. He has observed her which is but one part of a full examination and evaluation. He has conducted NO diagnostic testing.

He may be right, he may not. Each side has demonstrated that each can find experts to support their position, so this is old news. He is not the first expert to support the Schindler's position. No doubt Mr. Schiavo can find a new expert to support his position as well. And where does that leave us? Where we were a decade ago, dueling experts and positions.

A fact-finder reviewed the competing experts as well as other evidence and made a determination. If we do it again and the Schindler's lose, will they go away? I doubt it.

This case, like most contested cases that go to appeal, is about the losing side not be able to accept the results. At some point, the decision must be implemented and one side will be unhappy. Nothing can be done to prevent this.
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