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Old 03-24-2005, 10:47 AM
Twisty Twisty is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 49
Default Re: Neteller Stock Falling like a rock

Hold tight.There is alot people shorting this stock right now which is sending the price should level off soon.
As far as this new "competition threat" ,its a load of crap,there always has been one since day one.I dont see anybody giving neteller a problem soon.
The only immediate threats are the U.S govt taking a stance against online gaming,or them starting to accept it and paypal getting back in the game.
Unless one of these two things happens soon im holding tight!
Besides you may see NT try to move to the main market of the london stock exchange which will have a positive effect on the stock price.It will be fun watching all the shorts trying to cover when that happens.
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