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Old 03-23-2005, 04:53 PM
ckessel ckessel is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 489
Default Re: Why should I finish my college degree? (I really want you to tell me)

18 huh? Well, not much is going to sway you at that age. No, honest, take all the offense you want, I've been there. Many have been there, and it's a damn few 18 year olds that really get that they're like all humans that have lived and not some next-generation evolution. It's just part of maturing.

So, why stay in? Because you'll only get one easy shot like this. The older you get, the more you look back and regret what you didn't finish or did sloppily. Bits of information that seem useless now crop up in odd places.

Careers you thought you loved (poker) get boring and you wish you could switch, but no one will talk to you because you don't have the degree. You've never proven you can commit to something and finish it, even if it wasn't something you were excited about. Much of doing good work is finishing things you're less than thrilled about at the time.

And you'll get a wife, and kids maybe, and a house with a shed that needs painting. And you'll want to go finish that degree, but damn there's hardly any spare time. And then you're 40 and what's the point then? And then you're suddenly the under-educated older guy in the midst of a layoff and who do you think ends up getting the shaft? Yea, you, and now what?

Take the scenic route through school maybe, take 2 classes, play poker for a living, visit Europe in the summers, whatever, but don't completely give it up.
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