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Old 03-21-2005, 03:38 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Re: Executive summary (long)

So, if I don't know what I'm talking about

I was using a rhetorical "you", not necessarily you, Mostro.

please show me some evidence that "they" really are planning for a large scale switch to alternative energy

Oil companies are really energy companies. They know this.

They are dumping a lot of money into alternative energy research. Chevron Park in San Ramon, a place where I have contracted as a programmer in the past, runs entirely off a hydrogen fuel cell. That is a campus with 4000+ employees. I don't know their R&D numbers for fuel cell techonlogy, but it appears to be high.

Also, the building I worked in had two floors devoted to a group called something like "Alternative Energy Research". I will try to find out what kind of budget they have for this stuff. I know this is anecdotal but it indicates that they're not just counting barrels....

They know better than anyone how much oil is left and what will happen when it dries up. I'm not saying to just sit back and wait for the future to be handled for you by Chevron and Exxon, but I am saying that many of the drastic estimates seem to assume no one is doing anything at the moment, which is just not true. Their disaster scenario estimates are therefore wrong on some level.

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