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Old 03-20-2005, 11:14 PM
icedevil2002 icedevil2002 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 8
Default poker theory 101 Nl Challenge

blinds are 100 200 you are in the big blind with pocket jacks. you only have 2200 in chips and man in 1st position raises to 1000 and man in the small blinds calls cold you already have 200 in. Now let me let you know that i know both of these people are maniacs and could be holding any 2 cards I am positive I have them beat at best they 2 over cards Ace queen or ace king king quuen.both maniacs have like 6000 chips. what would you do here what i did I called and went all in on the flop when the flp came queen 6 2 all diamonds and me holding the jack of diamonds. I was soon called by both of them one showing ace queen with ace of diamonds and the other showing the ace queen off suit. Now I know that I was close to a 70 15 15 fav. preflop. Should I have folded preflop, went all in, or did exactly what did
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