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Old 03-20-2005, 07:45 PM
SuitedSixes SuitedSixes is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: AZ
Posts: 220
Default Re: Golf advice: Severe outside-in swing

Pick up a Swingjacket on e-bay. I used to be a golf pro. That thing works. You are using your arms too much in your swing. The swingjacket ties together your arms and your body to instill the proper full body swing.

Don't want to do that? Switch to Natural Golf, seriously. It looks ugly, but for the recreational golfer that swing will keep you out of trouble like nothing else. Your irons will never be as accurate at they could be with a traditional swing, but you'll hit more fairways and more greens. Couple that with a good short game and you'll be better than most other recreational golfers.
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