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Old 03-20-2005, 05:38 PM
shayneon shayneon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: PHX
Posts: 67
Default Re: Golf advice: Severe outside-in swing

I have been playing golf for over 15 years and taken dozens of lessons, I still struggle with this as well. It typically shows up twards the end of the round when I am getting tired and produces some wicked slices. Here are some of the tips I have gotten over the years that may help...

-A girl who I used to work with who played on the LPGA told me - "The first move of your downswing should be to get your right pants pocket to the ball." This clears your hips out before you move your arms and forces you to swing in to out. Almost all good players do this.

-Put a tee in the ground a couple inches forward and to the right of your ball. Try to hit the tee after you hit the ball.

-A mental image that sometimes works for me is to imagine hitting the ball like a soccer-style field goal kicker kicks. This reminds me that even though I'm swinging in to out like a kicker's leg, the ball will still go straight. I heard Nicklaus say this once and it seems to work for me at times.

-There is a practice aid called the "Inside Approach" It is basicly a foam arm that is suspended over the ball. If you don't come from the inside you will hit the arm. I have never actually used one, but just imagining that it is there sometimes helps me on the range.

Good Luck !
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