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Old 03-19-2005, 08:25 AM
daveymck daveymck is offline
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Default UK Gutshot under investigation form Police. And planning Live shows

Gutshot has just relauncehd its website also has an interview with one of the guys that runs the place looks like the police do think the club is illegal.

Also planning so me live events al la Live at the Bike.

Full Article

Much of his time there recently has been spent with lawyers and being questioned for hours under caution by the constabulary who are investigating the legality of the club. He told the members' Annual General Meeting that the plod and the Gaming Board considered that Gutshot was breaking the law. 'I must say that the police are being incredibly civilised about it all, ' he added. 'But that hasn't made them less adamant.'

Hearteningly, on the other hand, Gutshot's lawyers are of the opinion that there is nothing illegal about the playing of 'card games of equal opportunity', as long as all the money generated is returned to the members in cash or other benefits.

He revealed that, as part of their investigation, two plain-clothes officers secretly joined the Club. 'They had a great evening and wanted to come back.'

Typically feisty, Derek Kelly has challenged the authorities to go the whole hog and charge the club with transgressing the Gaming Act.. 'If necessary, we are prepared to go through four layers of British courts and ultimately to the European Court of Justice,' he told the meeting. 'That will take up to five years, in which time the club will stay open.'
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