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Old 03-18-2005, 01:25 PM
bigfishead bigfishead is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Tunica, Mississippi
Posts: 160
Default Painful whine needs to get head straight.

I have been extremely frustrated for a long time in tournaments. In the last 7-8 years I have made 1 live final table in probably 200+ tournaments, and online I have made about 6 in easily as many if not much more...(my PT doesnt have 1 1/2 yrs worth). For the 3rd tournament in a row....I saw 12(not in BB for a free ride) flops in a total of 280+ hands. Knocked out with AA (naturally) and shortstacked after 87 hands and 2 flops with 99 in mid late position all-in raiseing 75-150 blinds for 650 chips to a A7 that flopped an ace. He had a big stack so I dont blame him.

But jesus christ this is frustrating. I often go fairly deep and am always the short stack. I dont call raises with AJo, baby PP's, etc unless I actually have some chips and position. Yet I see these goofballs re-raise with A3o, call with K10o, utg raise even with K10o, and consistently get there as HUGE dogs.

Mason personally gave me Davids tournament book 2 yrs ago when it first came out. I studied it intently. I saw improvement too. I have made fantastic reads on players both live and online. Only rarely taking way the worst of it, occasionally taking a little the worst of it.

I also work in the poker business and see all these new players come in and win HUGE amounts of money playing absolutely stupid in tournaments, but I cant get myself to do that.

I am a winning player in cash games. Tho recently had my ass handed to me by the ones that see 60%+ of the flops. They have seemed to have the monster hands ONLY when I do too...and their monster is bigger, meaner, and fatter than mine.

My head is totally screwed up right now. Yet I am still trying to be cool and calm and play my best. In fact I immediately signed up for another tournament after getting knocked out of the last one. Just trying to maintain my "trooper" status mentally and not give up, hard as it may be.

No I dont need any whine with my cheese. Just trying to vent my frustrations and look for some attitude adjustments I guess.

I wont be satisfied till I win one I'm sure. Funny thing is, I have had someone who owns a real business backing tournament players come to me unsolicited after he watched my play and asked me to be a part of his organization. I have accepted, but have only played 1 event so far and just got money back(live only, not online).

Thanks for letting me cry the blues.
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