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Old 03-17-2005, 09:19 PM
jba jba is offline
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Default Re: How\'s your memory, son??

I've thought about that too, I'm not sure. depends on the table for me, I felt I could easily outplay these three so I stayed (table avgs around 70/5). I'd rather have it shorthanded than share these three with five TAGs.

That said, it's certainly a large factor in table selection.

I'm pretty sure this is just selective memory, but it seems like at party you'll sometimes be sitting at a short handed table like this, then the table fills all at once. I find the quality of the players that drop all of a sudden to be really quite superb. No idea if this is true. It may be that tough players are more likely to choose a specific table rather than get on a waiting list? (sudden fill-up indicates software assigned tables from waiting list, I think)
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