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Old 03-17-2005, 07:53 PM
meditate89 meditate89 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 5
Default Being The Table Bully?

I play mostly $20+$2, and move up to $30+3 every once in a while for a couple games when I can afford to do so. I am a pretty tight player, which is how most people you meet would advocate you play sit n gos. When I have a big stack, I sometimes do well bullying people with big raises, etc, and I do get caught with my pants down sometimes just like every other bully...
My questions basically are
A) How loose do you think I should be willing to call/ raise/bluff to get a big chiplead? Is this really a viable strategy at the beginning of a sit n go when there are a few crazy people who will call/ raise w practically anything?
For example, if someone raises 100 or 200, should i push/ re raise them to try to get them to drop their hand which is probably better than mine, in hopes that they will fold most of the time, and I will get some chips to bully with?
Should I be willing to bet hard when the flop misses me? Should I limp in with any two cards? Should I be willing to make bad calls against shortstacks? Should I be willing to make bad calls to attempt to put people on tilt? Like if I'm 1 card away from a flush draw, should i pay to see the river even if i don't exactly have odds to do so?

B) Is there any good way to practice this strategy without much money involved? It sucks losing 20+ or 30+ bucks when I just wanna mess around and try something new, but if I went to a lower limit my raises would get even less respect and such.

I'm sure this has been talked about before so If anyone could link me to an article or thread about "how to bully" or any other related topic it would be greatly appreciated

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