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Old 03-16-2005, 07:21 PM
GrunchCan GrunchCan is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Jundland Wastes
Posts: 595
Default Before you post that hand, READ THIS

There are too many new threads in micros right now, and too many frivolous ones.

I know what many of you are thinking. "This is a poker strategy board. How can posting a poker hand and asking for strategy advice be wrong?"

Everybody has strategy questions. But many of our questions have already been answered. Sometimes, threads get a really great discussion going, with lots of people chiming in with a new angle to consider. Everybody benefits from those threads.

Some people post great advice, and everyone who reads that advice benefits.

Some people post bad advice, and when they are shown the error of thier ways, everybody again benefits. Not only does the bad-advice poster get his play corrected, but so does every lurker who felt the same way. Believe me, there are lots and lots of lurkers like this.

There's almost never just 1 way to play a hand or just 1 thing to think about during play. The more people who respond to a thread, the more angles that are discussed, and the more everyone benefits.

Of course, everybody who has a hand they felt icky with wants to post that hand and get a million responsed from all the Big Name posters. So people post. And post. And post. It's like they keep calling, praying to hit thier 1-outer that will win a big pot. So the board gets innundated with posts. Post after post after post falls off the bottom of the page with only 20 views and just 1 or 2 responses. Nobody can keep up with all the posts. Its impossible for any single thread to gain any momentum and gather lots of discussion, and the whole forum suffers.

This doesn't benefit anyone. Everybody has to initiate fewer threads, and reply more often to existing threads. Don't be afraid of posting bad advice. If you post something that's wrong, you will quicklly be corrected. That's OK! Nobody thinks you are an idiot for posting bad advice, and everybody has just benefitted by reading the correction.

So please, for the good of the forum, start fewer threads and reply to existing threads more often.
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