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Old 03-16-2005, 01:35 PM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Try it, you\'ll like it

So, you believe everything an employee says in an exit interview?

[/ QUOTE ] What do you think?..

Employees in general have such a slanted view of their own reality.

[/ QUOTE ] One always has a slanted view of one's reality, to a varying extent. So what? Do you actually inted to get information only from people who are the paragons of objectivity? Good luck with that.

Let me ask you, have you ever heard an employee say that it was all their fault?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not interested to learn if it was their fault or not. I've already decided they should be fired! (Or they've decided they should resign.)

What I wanna hear in the exit interview is what the ex-employee might say, now that he's not afraid he'll be punished for it or hope to be rewarded for it. Things along the line of "Here's what you did wrong, boss!"

Or, "If it wasn't for our M.I.S. mess, you'd never have fired me, because they always feed us crap on cost build-up".

I would even settle for "By the way, that drop in our margin in Utah? It is due to some nifty kickbacks going on by that bastard Johhny".
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