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Old 01-11-2003, 08:57 AM
IrishHand IrishHand is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
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Default Re: Intellectual Dishonesty

I've been called a sociopath before, but never a psycho. Oh wait...I ignore labels from those who don't actually know what they mean. Nevermind. Oh...and I used to live in California - doesn't mean that I am California. You really should look into your mental challenges. E-mail me and I'd be happy to recommend a good therapist.

1.They both have ridiculous rantings with M.
2.They both advocate the USA is a terrorist nation.
3. They both advocate a Zionist conpiracy to rule the World.
4. They both claim to have gone to law school.
5. They both have no respect for the law.
6. They both have put forth that the USA deserved 9-11.
7. They both think that Arafat is a freedom fighter and not the bloody, murdering terrorist that he is.

1. I also argue with my mother. Does this mean I have an Oedipal complex?
2. Using any reasonable definition of terrorism, the US is a terrorist nation. We just don't like that because it pierces our "holier than thou" delusions.
3. I've never used the word "Zionist" either in a post or in conversation. Nice try to continue harping on my anti-semitism despite the fact that I've never once discussed the Jewish faith or peoples. I restrict my discussion to government policies. The fact that you apparently think that "Israel" is a synonym for "all Jews" or "Zionist conspiracy" reveals a shocking streak of ignorance and/or anti-semitism on your part, bud.
4. I certainly did - thanks for recognizing that.
5. Kind of tough to reconcile that with my past time as an associate district attorney, don't you think?
6. Yet another creation of your defective mind. The only person harping about anti-semitism or any shameful declaration that thousands of civilians deserved to die is you. You might want to think about that before you go labelling others.
7. Again, you clearly don't bother to read anything I write. I've argued consistently that the Sharon and Arafat are both terrorists.
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