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Old 03-15-2005, 02:37 AM
BigSkiRace BigSkiRace is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Syracuse or Rochester, NY USA
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Default A sometimes chop and sometimes don\'t chopper in 15/30 private game

The other night I was in a 15/30 game that was extremly soft, a bunch of rich guys throwing there money around. And I being the token young kid was the only one that had any idea how to play poker, although I was taking some serious bad beats.
Anyways, this kind of annoyed me a guy that was to the right of me would always look at his cards and then decide if he wanted to chop or not, the first time he did it he had ATs I always chop but this time he said he didnt chop, I folded my Q9os, next time it happend I had AKs AND HE ASKED IF I WANTED TO CHOP? HOW DO I HANDLE THAT ONE POINT THE GUY CHOPS THE NEXT TIME HE DOSENT, DO I STILL GO BY MY RULES AND CHOP OR BE A JERK AND SAY NO I THOUGHT YOU DONT CHOP. I ended up making action knowing that he did not chop before, right while he was asking if we wanted to chop....How do I handle this situation.
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