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Old 03-14-2005, 05:09 PM
theWhale theWhale is offline
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Posts: 134
Default First time playing live nl at a casino

This happened a few weeks ago, been meaning to post it here.

I played 2-5nl live at a casino last night for the first time. I consider myself a good NL tourney player but I don't play many ring games.

I sat down with 375 (min buy was 200) and built my stack up above 600 then down to 425 then back up to 575 at this table. This whole time one guy was starting to get drunk and lucky and taking down some big pots. He seemed to go all in when he had a good hand. Once he went all in with qj on a board of q72 or something for 600 bucks into a $60 pot.

EDIT: He also HATED getting his premium hands cracked and I had seen him go all in pre flop with Aces for $600 into a $30 pot earlier in the night.

Anyway he was raising and reraising pre flop and he had just doubled up a guy when his a5 got outkicked by a9 when an ace flopped (he went all in of course). He was giving it away and it was getting late and I was hoping to get my share.

It was nearing 2am when this hand occurred (I was leaving at 2am regardless):

I get KK in 3rd position and I raise it to 30, 2 solid players call from late position and mr maniac is in the bb and he raises and tosses $40 out there (remember he is drunk). The dealer makes him raise to $60 and it is up to me and I make it $130 to go. Both the cold callers fold and the maniac looks at me and asks if I have aces. I smile and he puts me all in for 440 more or so (he had me covered by a good 200 or so).

What do you do here? It is your last hand of the night. Results to follow.
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