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Old 03-13-2005, 05:30 PM
PokerFink PokerFink is offline
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Default Re: Can someone define Fold Equity, Pot Equity and Hand Equity

Pot equity is the percentage of the pot that is "yours" based on how often you will win the pot. For example, lets say you are all-in preflop with AA vs KK, and the pot is $100. You are roughly a 80%-20% favorite. Therefore, your pot equity is 80% of the $100, or $80. The KK's equity is just $20.

Fold equity is not so simple, but it is implied equity based on how often you feel your opponent will fold. For example, lets say you are on the river heads up, and you have a hand that will never win a showdown. The pot is $100. You feel that if you bluff by betting $50, your opponent will fold 50% of the time. Therefore, your fold equity would be $75 (50% of the pot, which is now $150 with your bet in it), and this bet is positive EV, because your fold equity of $75 is greater than the bet of $50.
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