Thread: What to do?
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Old 03-13-2005, 01:31 PM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default Re: What to do?

The only reason I'm siding with the "bad beat post" diagnosis is that this orignal post up here is about as information free as it could be.

What were all the stack sizes? Do you have any read on the opponent? Etc.

For instance, it could have been very correct for you to push preflop, or raise preflop. It's very unlikely that limping preflop is right.

It's also very, very, very hard to believe that you could possibly believe that you should try to do anything but put all your chips in the middle with trips heads up.

Bad beat posts are not just posts the are of the form "look at this, I got all in with the nuts, then they changed so that my opponent's 47o was the nuts!" They often come disguised as these "mock" strategy posts, where there's clearly only one sane way of playing the hand, and the poster lost even though they played correctly. Additionally, if there were any real reason you posted the hand as a question, besides to complain about bad beatiness (which this isn't even close to very bad), there is no value to posting the results of the hand, right?

So yeah, please hook us up with relevant preflop information next time. Idealy, all stacks at the table, and any reads of players left to act, or already entered into the pot.

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