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Old 01-07-2003, 05:59 AM
anatta anatta is offline
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Default Re: Results plus question for anatta and cpk

Upon reflection, I think my post was wrong for two reasons. I was giving the raiser credit for a stronger hand than is warranted. Since I am less likely to raise when there is a late position post, I thought a player would be less likely to raise an EP post without a strong hand. Here the post was by an earlier position opponent. It is probably good poker for your opponent to raise in LP with small poket pairs, KQ, KJ and even QJ. Therefore, it makes sense for you to three bet with postion. I still wouldn't do it without As9s, but I just moved up to the middle limits last month, and I am playing tighter than most here for the simple reason that my post-flop skills are improving rapidly, but still quite rudimentary.

It also appears that I am probably too passive. On the river, everybody is saying its a clear bet. I would be thinking, I hate my kicker what are they betting and calling with. But once checked to on the river, I now see a bet is in order.

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