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Old 03-12-2005, 01:19 PM
k_squared k_squared is offline
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Posts: 168
Default Re: Pot Odds and Calling a Raise from the Big Blind

Is this a No-limit game? because if so then you really need to be careful!

If not then how did the pot get to be raised from the button to 300? what happend to 200? In a limite game, to be in the Big Blind and facing a bet 3 times the big blind you have to have at least 5x the big blind already in the pot, and now you aren't merely calling one rasier, but a raiser and a re-raisier. And as soon as you start adding multiple opponents the chance for a hand like 2-7o to win starts to rapidly diminish.

if this is a no-limit game then the reason is simply that the disadvantage of having a hand that weak out of position is just wany to much to overcome for you to be investing in it, even though it might win win 1 out of three times if we just showed the hands down it will win significantly less due to the fact that you will be FORCED to fold on the flop much more often than you would like... unless you plan on betting that hand out of position which would get very costly... unless you are facing the right opponents

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