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Old 03-12-2005, 04:56 AM
nothumb nothumb is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 90
Default Re: Teachers ARE overpaid and lazy....

Seriously, this crap makes me sick. Qualified people to deal with kids, be it teachers, counselors, clinicians, human services workers, etc, are some of the hardest employees to find, the field has a huge turnover rate and the pay sucks. Why? Because of ridiculous, ignorant crap like this. People demand high quality care and services for their children but are so unwilling to pay for it, it makes me sick. And when anything goes wrong in one of the toughest jobs in the US the first people to get blamed are the educators and child care workers busting their asses for a bunch of ingrates, making less per annum than a plethora of jerkoffs who contribute virtually nothing to society and care about nobody but themselves.

You have never done this kind of work and know nothing about the jobs people do, or you wouldn't have opened your cakehole.

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