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Old 01-06-2003, 04:17 PM
mike l. mike l. is offline
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Default Re: 10-20 Ad8d 3 bet on button

"Do you think raising the flop is generally wrong, or wrong because SB calls 3 cold, so there's no need to guard against SB having middle pair and getting a cheap draw to two pair or trips?"

raising the flop w/ an A here is generally wrong. why scare away people who may call drawing very thin to pocket pairs when they have nowhere the correct odds? mixed w/ the fact that you may be outkicked and way behind yourself, calling is oftentimes the correct play here w/ other opponents in.
really though, the best option is sometimes raising and sometimes calling.

"If you're afraid your A is dominated, why 3-bet with A8s on the button to begin with? Restealing in a 10-20 game? Silly. This style of play is too advanced for 10-20 and usually wrong."

i think you underestimate "restealing" in a 10-20 game. there are some okay players playing 10-20. also it's hard to call 3 betting w/ A8s a resteal. it very well may be the best hand a lot of the time depending on the opponent youre against.

"The odds are not there to call two bets cold, and A8s is not strong enough to raise. This hand should be folded before the flop."

unless there's a specific player read on a raiser being overly tight w/ his raises i cant imagine folding this to an ordinary lp open-raiser in the games i play in. the general raising standards from late position where im used to playing are much lower than what your describing. this may merely be a geographical abberation though.
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