Thread: Poker Routine
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Old 03-09-2005, 09:12 AM
twomarks twomarks is offline
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Default Re: Poker Routine

Well, I get out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, and pour myself a cup of ambition - nevermind - that's something else.

There actually is A LOT of validity to your getting into a routine. Read any serious golfing book with a contribution from winning golfers and you'll more than likely get some information on what their routines are.

Basically, it starts the night before - go to bed at a set time, wake up at a set time, get the same type of caloric intake at breakfast, same pre-game warm up, etc. It gets your body and mind working together without having to overanalyze things. The same way the professional golfers have a pre-shot and pre-putt routine - they take in all information, get the line, then go into the routine so they don't analyze/paralize themselves.

This is done even on a micro-level. If you watch, in presure situations, if they are starting to feel tight or anxious, they will do something so simple just to get their motor skills back on track. They do this by putting chapstick on, or twirlling the golf club in thier hands - anything to get themselves out of thier own way so they can concentrate on what's most important.

Thanks for the great post to remind us how translatable a lot of these things are.


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