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Old 03-09-2005, 12:50 AM
LetsRock LetsRock is offline
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Default Re: Quick Tahoe Trip Report

It sure is funny how differnt people have different reactions to a cardroom.

As it turns out, I was in Tahoe on Staurday and played poker at Harveys for the afternoon. 2 of my friends were on the bad beat table when it hit.

We got there just before noon and we were all simply appalled that they had only 3 tables working (with 7 or 8 empty) and waiting list that was about 75 deep for the 3/6 (only games in progress), 20 deep for the 5/10 which had yet to have been spread, and a handful for the NL game (Also not yet spread.

We couldn't believe it when the brush siad something to the efect of "We can schedule the dealers, but we can't schedule the players." Huh?

To us that was totally unacceptable to have that many open tables with that long of a list on a Saturday afternoon. Very poor planning. ANother thing that was a little bit annoying was that a lot of the shuffle machines weren't working and they (management) just didn't seem to care. They lease those things for something like $500/mo/table. You think they would have been all over getting them fixed because it's costing them ~$80/hr in rake.

The action is good there though.......
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