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Old 03-08-2005, 10:15 PM
J.Brown J.Brown is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Missoula, MT
Posts: 29
Default 33 on the button--Stars 30/60

Just looking for any thoughts or opinions on this play. Please feel free to critique every street and decision.

Juicy early morning 6 handed game, really loose and aggressive, so volatile, but very very beatable. I have good feel for 4 of the opponents and no opinion on the other 1 who has just joined the game.

MP raises (the no opinion player) I call on the button knowing that both blinds will defend, because they have virtually every single hand.

4 of us take the flop of K 4 2 rainbow. It is checked to me. I check.

Turn is offsuit 3. SB bets is called in both spots. I raise. SB calls, pre flop raiser calls. 3 of us see the turn.

River is a J. SB checks, pre flop raiser bets, I raise, SB folds. I get 3 bet and just call.

He shows me A 5 for the wheel. I say nh.

Please feel free to bash my play and I will discuss my line of thinking on each street.

cheers. J.Brown
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