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Old 12-28-2002, 01:10 AM
David Ottosen David Ottosen is offline
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Default Re: High-stakes tag team

I'd have the novice playing flop and river.

Novices play too many hands, and this is something even an expert can't deal with. The expert will weed this right out (likely tightening up even more than usual to give the novice easier decisions on the flop).

The novice can then be counted on not to cause too much damage on the flop; he will be most likely to either have top pair or overcards, and if he does anything, it will likely be a one bet error (ie, he will not raise enough, or he will make a weak overcard call).

In the event that the novice does come in on the flop with weakness, the expert can then deal with the problem before the bets double by judging accurately the strength of the hand.

On the river, the novices mistakes are likely only to be of the "don't win enough" type. He's unlikely to fold many winners, which would be the catastrophe.

But the main reason to go Expert-Novice-Expert-Novice is that the novice will be making the fewest possible decisions (since he will only be granted the right to make a decision after the expert determines that the hand is easy enough for the novice to play).

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